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Week 3 - Final Research / Concept / Blockout

This week I have been finishing up on the major research for the environment, as I feel I am ready to start laying down the basics of the scene. I have begun to block in the basic elements for the cockpit, experimenting with layouts as well as testing out new workflows for hard surface modelling:

Cockpit and stowage divider idea

Without divider and with a nested area for the hatch

Finally decided what to do with the back of the cockpit

After looking online, I came across a really cool method of generating polished, high-res meshes that produce very clean bakes. I have tested this method using simple primitive shapes and ProBoolean and I am really surprised at how efficient this is. Here is an example:

I feel this method would be really helpful for creating the mountings for assets such as the hatch, windows, and wall modular units. I have also been testing out creating procedural hard-surface decals in Substance Designer using simple shapes, bevel and blend nodes in order to cut away and add to the heightmap:

[Substance Designer Decal 01 here]

This would be a very quick and dynamic method of generating variations of decals, as all I would have to do is change the parameters and save out the heightmap and any other additional maps.

Overall I feel this week went well, as I managed to find and experiment with new workflows that I feel could be beneficial for my project and I managed to find some really good reference for more unique assets such as the insulated piping and padded coverings for the station. I don't really feel as though I struggled this week as I managed to learn some new techniques that will improve my productivity.

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