This week I felt was very productive as I managed to finish blocking out the cockpit as well as the docking tube. Furthermore, I was experimenting more with ProBoolean as well as ShapeMerge in order to dynamically cut into the object for placing windows and cutting holes for hatches. The great thing about using ShapeMerge and ProBoolean is that the operands used when cutting can be edited within the modifier stack. This means I can see real-time feedback of my changes to the shape and for splines; I can see the effect of reducing iterations for optimisation.
Here is the finished blockout with some progress screenshots:
This week I also produced the modular pieces for the panels in the spacecraft. For this I used my reference from the Apollo instrument panels as well as from the ISS in order to build my modular set. This allows me to produce different units and configurations when needed and any changes I make to the specific modular instances will affect all of the copies of it, saving lots of time. The great thing about this approach is that I can add more modular pieces when needed. To make sure everything fit perfectly - I modelled and placed all pieces to multiples of 5. I did this because the module sizes are 25 (minimum), 50, 75,100 and 150 cm wide or long; meaning these units can all be fitted together perfectly. Here are the modular pieces so far and some examples of fitting:
Using the spacing tool to place lots of buttons and switches in groups
I have also finished modelling the basic hull and cutout the windows again using ShapeMerge (without console):
I also tried to have a go at modelling the cargo bags but I still feel a bit lost on how to approach them:
I think I will begin to sculpt them next week and try out Marvelous Designer in order to generate wrinkles and a nice fabric surface for the bag.
I feel this week has been very productive as I have been able to get all of the modular set finished and I have finished all of the blocking out of the spacecraft and docking tube as well. On the other hand, I feel as though I'm struggling a bit when it comes to the cargo bags as I'm unsure what the best approach is to take with them, and I feel this is contributing to the stress I've been feeling recently. Nevertheless, I'll try and push on regardless, and tackle those cargo bags.